Two new 4ft York Benches for Hedon Cemetery
Posted on December 03, 2020
There are many beautiful cemeteries across Hull and the East Riding of Yorkshire, non more so than Hedon town cemetery of Holderness. Located slightly north of the Humber's north bank, Hedon town cemetery is a very peaceful and tranquil setting and home to many a church yard squirrel. Overlooked by St Augustine's Church, the cemetery lies just around the corner opposite Hedon Primary School down a tree lined drive frequented by strollers and dog walkers.
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These two 4ft York memorial benches were installed recently at Hedon cemetery and look great secured in place on their concrete bases. Both benches carry plaques dedicated to loved ones and are fitting tributes indeed. The compact York 4ft bench forms part of the wider York memorial bench and chair family and is our most popular bench due to it's classical style. It's also a very strong bench and weathers incredibly well turning a beautiful silver over time.
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Over the years we have produced many memorial benches for Hedon Cemetery. Most of them are our flagship York memorial bench of which some are coated in a wood preserve while others are left to weather gently and turn a sublime shade of silver.
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If you require any more information regarding our York memorial range of benches then click the link below to go to our York bench page. It has many more pictures, including a 3D model app where you can change the bench size, top rail and style of arm.