Woodcraft's timber bollards for driveway and roadside.
Posted on August 05, 2018
Here at Woodcraft UK not everything we make is bench related. In fact we create just about any kind of furniture for the outdoors and the more challenging the brief the better. Even though in only recent years we have expanded our skills in outdoor furniture manufacturing from the garden and public green spaces to that of the urban landscape and street furniture one item of furniture we have been making since the year dot is the roadside bollard.

Over the years we have had all sorts of requests and customisations of the simple street bollard, from chamfering and reflective strips to removable or hinge down units, padlocked, illuminated, bicycle wheel cut outs and a whole lot more besides and that's generally because the humble short post bollard has come a long way since it's first inception and now serves so many more purposes.

Many uses our wooden bollards have served include parking control, ram-raiding deterrents, cycle rack parking, way finding, footpath perimeters, low level lighting and can be found up and down the country in the grounds of universities, streetscapes, cemeteries, golf courses, public spaces and urban landscape projects.

When we manufacture timber bollards for any project we choose the correct timber that will weather well and last for many years to come. Often sturdy and heavy duty in their own right as they are, we can also manufacture reinforced bollards and install deep into cemented foundations to truly withstand impact.

We can also handle laser etching, engraving and even source steel badges which can be inset into the wooden bollards for that extra personalisation. Whatever your requirements, we are sure we can deliver exactly to your wishes.

We also have the capacity and technology to meet the requirements of large scale urban redevelopment projects, often producing hundreds of bollards at a time to tight deadlines and to a specific brief. These street furniture projects and city regeneration schemes require manufacture, delivery and installation all to tight deadlines and often to tight budgets. We can do this but even if you are a home owner requiring just a few bollards for your driveway, then we can do this too.
As you can see from the pictures we take a lot of pride in producing our roadside bollards, after all they are a thing of beauty and should last for many years to come.
Take a look at our dedicated timber bollards page for more information and whatever your requirements, why not give us a call for an informal chat on 01482 887921.