Great Feedback That Tells a Story
Posted on August 25, 2016
We pride ourselves on creating outdoor wooden furniture that's not only attractive, comfortable and safe, but also highly robust and weather-resistant. Made from the finest materials and handcrafted to our unique designs that have stood the test of time, we guarantee that your wooden bench, table, gazebo or pergola will remain in perfect working order and provide a treat for the eyes year after year. Thanks to the incredibly high quality of the timber that we use, your bench or table doesn't even need to be varnished, which will result in a natural weathered look. However, many customers choose to apply gloss or paint their furniture,giving it a whole new character and maintaining the specific appearance that they desire.
Whilst we know all of the above like the back of our hands, it's always good to receive feedback from a happy customer. Even better is when they send a photo of their Woodcraft UK furniture, such as Ernie Howard contacting our Facebook page this week with the following message:
"I have just cleaned and reapplied this year's coat of Deks Olje to my 20-year-old Woodcraft UK bench and it has come up like new. Beautiful craftsmanship and great quality." (That's Ernie's photo at the top.)
Woodcraft UK was established by our founder Michael Davidson back in 1990, so Ernie was a relatively early customer. Though we're not surprised by the condition of his bench after all these years, we're absolutely delighted that it's still bringing him as much joy as it did back in 1996, the year when everyone was singing 'Wannabe' by the Spice Girls and Buzz Lightyear could be found on the shelves of toy shops across the nation.
It truly is amazing how much things can change in twenty or so years. When Ernie bought his beloved bench, the Internet had barely taken off and online shopping was still very basic, with social media years away from being released. Fast forward to today, and the vast majority of our sales originate right here on our website, often as a result of our followers clicking through from Facebook and Twitter. And yet some things stay the same, such as hundreds of orders being placed by local authorities all around the UK, and countless other items of outdoor wooden furniture being delivered to homes of all shapes and sizes.
From barbecues in back gardens to picnics in public parks, and from reading news on churchyard noticeboards to finding directions on rural signposts, our products are fulfilling their purpose all over the place. Do you have a Woodcraft UK creation that you love? Whether you purchased it last week or last century, we'd love to hear your stories. Tell us about your family growing up around an outdoor table set each summer, or your council's benches offering well-deserved rest to ramblers on the outskirts of your city. Every Woodcraft UK product tells a story and we want to know yours!
To share your feedback, please tag us on social media (click the links above or search for "Woodcraft UK"). Alternatively, email us via our contact form or leave a review on our Google+ page. However you reach us, we look forward to hearing your stories and thank you for choosing Woodcraft UK.